Intelligent Assistance’s Premiere Pro Tools

These utilities for Premiere Pro by Intelligent Assistance have been out for a while, but I haven’t talked about them and think they are pretty cool and worth checking out.
Sequence Clip Exporter

It’s tedious to spend days preparing shot lists and music cue sheets using EDLs. Instead, generate comprehensive reports in seconds direct to a fully formatted Excel spreadsheet for just $99 with Sequence Clip Reporter, saving hundreds of dollars of your time


prEdit is a dramatically new way to deal with transcripts, story and the first edit. From transcript… to paper cut… to sequence for just $395.


Adobe’s voice recognition technology has been locked to the Adobe CS4 and CS5 Production Premium tools. But with Transcriptize you can extract the transcription to text files, Excel spreadsheets, and place it in Markers in the Final Cut Pro clip. Now you can use the Adobe speech transcriptions in your workflow for just $149.

I knew they made FCP 7 utilities, and now FCP X to FCP 7 utilities, but I didn’t know about their Premiere Pro utilities. Sequence Clip Exporter would pay for itself in about a job, and the others could be even more useful, depending on the job. These are apps to keep an eye on.

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