Quick Surgery Update

Just want to give a quick update on my chest tube wounds. They are doing much better. Seems I have finally figured it out, and the thing is to keep them as dry as possible. If they open up use the smallest stiri strip that you can to hold it closed so the scab can re-close, and then take it off and let it totally dry out.

The Chest Wounds are much dryer now.

Now it seems that I am consistently getting little little leaks, that eventually dry out, and it seems part of the process of the deep scabs being pushed out of the wounds so it can heal from the bottom. And I have been cleaning them daily with beta dine and then alcohol, which dries them out.

Covering them too much allows the wounds to stay wet, and that is when I started getting pain, and the wound would open up. So make sure to keep the wounds as dry as possible!


Later in the same day, and the wound got wet in the shower and opened back up, and when it opens I get random pains, and have had to stiri strip it again with the thinest strip I could buy cut in half. And hopefully it will dry out completely and seal again.

And the other one is pushing the scab out. So hopefully it is healing underneath, and doesn’t do the same thing the other one did and open up again once it pushes the current scab out.

Weird how these chest tube holes are my biggest issue (except my back being out, which some heat helped early, but it is really hurting again now).

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