Went to an Apple Store and checked out a MacBook Pro with Retina Display and it is awesome

I already have a the New iPad with Retina display and love it, and haven’t owned a Laptop in years (my last was the black plastic Mac Laptop, which was fantastic), and have been unpleased with the lac of NVIDIA cards in mac laptops to work with CUDA, but this answers that problem in spades.

And the screen is fantastic. Being able to switch to a 1920×1080 resolution for editing is fantastic, I could really use one of these. The screen is gorgeous and this is a powerful machine, just have to upgrade when you get it, as it is not user upgradeable, so spend more on the high end and the bigger hard drive and more RAM, so it would cost an arm and a leg. Still it would be worth it to have a portable editing machine this powerful!

I so want one, but can’t afford it, though I sure wish I could.

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