Surgery Update, lost a scab

So I woke up last night to pee and looked down and my left chest tube wound, had popped it’ scab. Actually about 3/4 of it had come off, and was like a flap, so I removed the rest and had to once again stiri strip it back together. It didn’t look as bad as the last time, but still had a kind of deep whole.

Now by the morning it has bled and filled in the rest of the wound making another scab, that will likely do the same thing as this one as it continues to heal.
You can see it is the one on the right.

And today my in home nurse is coming for her final visit, and I already told her about it, but this is still the final visit (I am assuming that is all the insurance will pay for). These should have had better stitches, and they should have stayed in longer. First I should have been in the hospital another day or two, and the stitches should have stayed in for 7 days instead of 3. Maybe then these would be more closed and not keep opening up like they have been!

And from the looks of it, my other scab is going to pop off soon, and do the same thing.

This kept me up for a while last night, and I just didn’t get enough sleep. I wonder how long I will have to deal with this before these wounds are healed (or as healed as they are going to get).

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