Surgery Update Week 5

Damn just has this entry all written and Rapidwaver crashed as I was about to publish it. AARRGHH!! Anyway, time to start over.

So overall I am doing pretty damn well. Still walking 2.1 miles a day around the Veteran’s Center, up the big hill now (though I do have to stop to catch my breath going up as that is a big hill). Certainly have more energy now than I can remember having before, ever. So that is pretty amazing.

Now for the bad.

First off is my back. It is so out that it is hard to sleep through the night. I mean my back is just a damn mess at this point. It is out in the middle, and both my upper and lower back are hurting. I need a chiropractor so bad, though my sternum won’t be healed at all for another week, though he says he can use the hammer to help, which might be worth it, because I am hurting in a big way!

And the cough. Yes, I still have liquid in my lungs from the chest machine, and it is still clear, so not infected. It is better, but I am still coughing every late afternoon, and it hurts (though not nearly as bad as it previously hurt). I am still doing my spirometer a few times a day, and have gotten up to an average of 4000ml and am hitting 4500, when I was told that average is 3000-3500ml, so that seems pretty good. Have to talk to my cardiologist about it tomorrow.

The chest wounds are still causing trouble, though they are better if I just keep them totally dry and clean them with betadine and alcohol at least once a day.
Here they are from my point of view where you can see the right one sticking out, and the left has dried up around the edges and keeps hitting off stuff while I sleep. And both randomly leek a clearish liquid. Gross!
Here they are right side up.
And my big wound as well. The top wound has actually been losing it’s scab as well and leaving a divot. Right now it is mostly filled in, and if I keep it dry it seems to be healing. the scab keeps losing pieces and bleeding a bit though. Still nothing compared to the chest wounds!

And today is the day that I lose my fully adjustable from standing up to laying down medical chair! THE HORROR!
Here it is sheet covered ready to be picked up.

This thing was a lifesaver for the first couple of weeks, though I never did help getting up (the kettlebells before surgery were key), but just to be able to lay back and be fairly comfortable watching TV was the best. Now I am going to miss my chair for playing games and watching TV! The couch is just not the same, especially while my back hurts, but afterwards I will still miss it!

So overall doing pretty damn well.

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