Surgery Update, Lost another Scab and went to Cardiologist

Went to my cardiologist on Friday, and overall he seems to think I am doing pretty damn well. In fact he doesn’t want to see me again till December when he will give me another echo to see how things are doing. And it has been a long time since I haven’t seen my cardiologist every 3 months! Now we didn’t get to talk about everything because the fire alarm went off and we actually had to leave, but I did get permission to drive again (though I had already gone to the grocery store once). Should start being able to lift more than 10 pounds next thursday too, as that is 6 weeks.

And was given permission to sleep on my side, hallelujah! So hard to sleep on my back! Now the first night was a little painful, actually my ribs hurts on each side, but since then it has been much better. I sleep better, and feel better when I wake up. I just don’t wake up so much which really helps!

My next job is just to lose weight, which should be easier now that I have some stamina!

Still have a bit of a cough at night, though it is getting better.

Still on the awful no sodium diet, but we are making it easier since we got an awesome Breville Breadmaker, and have started making bread without salt (though it sure could use some salt, ha!). It is pretty amazing to have Fresh bread in 4 hours. And being a Breville it is pretty bad ass. Has a timer if you want to wake up to bread, and will even add in other ingredients when it should (like nuts or fruit or spices).

And yesterday my huge sticking out scab finally came off. It looked to only be attached on side for a while, but finally came off, leaving a bit of a divot, though some of that has already filled in with more scab (though it didn’t really bleed, just filled in).

You can see how red it is in there.

Doesn’t hurt and hasn’t been bleeding and have just kept cleaning it, so that is good.

Here is a wider shot, where you can see the weird bruise I have on the right, which feels like a not underneath.

And here is a wide shot with the big wound.


Overall am doing pretty great. Will likely be going back to work within a couple of weeks.

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