Surgery Update Week 7

Wow, 7 weeks out. Didn’t seem like this point would every come, but I am recovering very well overall. Lost the scabs for my two chest tube wounds, and no scabs are coming back, so now they are just red and divots a bit. They will be worse than the main wound for sure.

They may not look great, but they are so much better. No more gaping wound.

The main wound now that is weird. I guess the skin is really healing as it is pretty sore now, where it was not before, and not internally, but on the surface. It really doesn’t like anything touching it right now. On the good front, part of it is looking pretty white in the middle, so I guess that part is healing.

You can see how the skin is getting white in the middle of the scar.

And here is a wide shot of the whole thing.

Of course there is even more weirdness as there is what seems to be a pimple on the wound, though it could very well be an ingrown hair.

That is the pimple or whatever it is near the top of the frame.

Other than that I am doing well. Still walking, though I seem to be hotter on the treadmill than walking outside, maybe since it is has a slight incline (and it has been too hot outside to walk much), but I have also started doing kettle bells again. Only a little bit, as not to make the wound any worse, but it doesn’t seem to bother me, at least with a 10 pound bell (vs a 20 I was doing before surgery). Even more surprising is how much less tired after doing it I am, though I can still feel it in my thighs, that is for sure.

Still coughing every day, though not as bad. Hopefully it is getting better.

My back is much better after the chiropractor, though he could only adjust my neck and use the activator on my back. It is better, but really needs a full adjustment, and is still pretty sore. Am icing it and heating it, to try and make it better. Have to wait till 12 weeks for a full adjustment though, but will probably be back for some more activator in the next couple of weeks.

Blood pressure has been good, though my heart beat has been up a bit in the evening, in the 90’s and even 100’s, though it does seem to calm down once I lay down.

One more week till I am cleared to go back to work. And I am up for it. And we really do need the money. Still nice to have one more week!

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