Surgery Update, another Pimple in the scar

Yuch, that is pretty nasty. The bottom part of the main incisision, the small circular hole also seems to have developed a pimple, that keeps popping and I clean it, and it fills again. It doesn’t seem infected, seems like a pimple, so I am going to assume it is probably another ingrown hair, right on the wound.


Rather nasty if I do say so myself.

Looks a little better once I squeeze it out.

Main incision is overall looking pretty good though. With the top part pretty flat and healed, the bump at the top as gone as I think it will be, and above the top wound the skin is starting to look good.

And the chest tube wounds are looking pretty good. No longer any scab, just divots and very red skin. No longer have to keep them dry in the shower, which is wonderful.


Still having to use a pillow when I drive though. We bought a small travel pillow to make it easier. And while it does help, since the scar doesn’t like things rubbing on it, especially a seatbelt (and really not even a shirt). And it has actually gotten a lot more sore. Mainly I think because all the nerves were severed, but they have grown back. Went and got a soft travel pillow and it works pretty well.


Of course it doesn’t help how incredibly hot is of late in Los Angeles! Driving with a pillow on your chest when it is close to 100 degrees outside certainly could be more pleasant!

Still doing pretty well, and just about ready to get back to work. Need to start making some money!

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