Surgery Update, Insurance Hell, though really it is the hospital that is the problem!

Can I just say that not only is insurance totally messed up, but honestly it is the hospital billing that is even worse.

Basically we had to pay for the surgery before the surgery or they would not give me surgery. We paid what we thought was the rest of the of the out of pocket maximum (though it seems we are off by about $80).

And now we are getting bill after bill from the hospital. It seems that UCLA Billing has not bothered to talk to the insurance or figure out how the insurance is relegating the money. They just put our payment wherever they pleased, and didn’t tell the insurance that we had made they payment.

And they are billing us for all the bills where we pay 60% and the insurance pays 40% instead of talking to insurance and seeing that after another $80 payment from us, we have hit our out of pocket maximum and the rest of covered by the insurance. And we are talking thousands of dollars in additional bills they are trying to get us to pay.

No AETNA is being helpful and is even trying to talk to UCLA to try to get it cleared up, but meanwhile we are getting robocalls from UCLA saying they are going to take action unless we pay these bills! WTF! It is there mistake.

They have applied the money incorrectly, and are trying to get more money out of us because of it.

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