Surgery Update, 13 weeks and sore as can be!


13 Weeks out tomorrow, which means I can finally go to the chiropractor soon.

Also am back to work and am suffering for it. I can tell you the drive from North Hills to Downtown, Los Angeles is not pleasant right now. Not only does the surface of the wound hurt, even with a t-shirt, but the muscles are so sore from the drive that I feel maimed. I was lucky enough to be able to work from home for a couple of days, but no longer. Back to Downtown tomorrow and my soreness will only get worse from driving in the traffic.


As you can see the main incision has stretched out and is a brutal red right now. Youch!

And even turning funny is really not feeling good for the sore muscles right now. My back still hurts, and my chest just feels awful. The worst the muscles have felt since the surgery honestly. I didn’t do anything on last Saturday because of it, but edging the lawn on Sunday certainly did help things.

Lets hope it starts to feel better from constant use, as it should be fairly healed at the 3 months mark. Wish I could take some more time off, but we need the money too much (am even missing a vacation my wife and her family are going on because of the job I am on).

Lets hope this starts feeling better really soon!

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