Surgery Update: ADVIL Again!

My lovely wife Kelly was worried about how incredibly sore I am. So she called the cardiologist about it, and I had her ask if i could start taking Advil again (as I have only been allowed to take Tylenol).

My Cardiologist said the soreness is completely normal, and I am allowed to take ADVIL or ibuprofens again. Just took two and am hoping it will help with the soreness soon, as my muscles ache. Just not used to driving in traffic or holding my arms up all day at a computer! Youch!

Looking forward to seeing how ADVIL does on my soreness!

UPDATE: My chest does feel much better after taking Ibuprofen, though now I feel how badly my back is out again. Youch, can’t wait for a full adjustment this Saturday.

SECOND UPDATE: Well the effects of ADVIL are nothing a little jaunt through rush hour traffic can’t cure. And it is only monday. Still ADVIL is a miracle compared to Tylenol.

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