Ken Stone on FCP X 10.0.6

Ken Stone has an excellent and thorough review of the new FCP X Update with many photos.

It is an excellent look, and the program does look better, but I still won’t be giving FCP X a spin again anytime soon, and no I am not just a hater who feels wounded by FCP X.

Honestly while I love the metadata capabilities, and think they should be included in other programs, I hate the timeline. It is unintuitive and unorganized. Cutting DR, I usually have shows with 12-15 Video Tracks and I like to keep them well organized so it is easy to see what is what, and easy to jump in for anyone else and replace a shot if need be, but the magnetic timeline is not at all conducive to that.

And it is not set up to easily be used in a multi-user multi-machine environment, which is essential for how I work.

I still don’t see forcing an editor to work a certain as possibly being the future of editing, no matter how fast it can be. Editors have ways that they like to work, and adding new ways is great, and if they are better people will use them, but being forced to use them is just unacceptable.

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