Surgery Update, got photos of surgery, not posting yet

Not posting them yet though. First off they are printed out, and second, not sure what the legality of that is. Will scan them and think about it.

Still pretty crazy to see. 2 photos of the heart muscle that they removed, one side completely white from the tendons that had formed to try and keep the valve working. Then 4 surgery shots, where you can really see just how small of an area they were working in. I mean a scalpel looks huge! And you can see where the heart and lung machine attached to my heart. And how the valve had turned white from the damage it was doing to itself. Wow, crazy. And really makes me give even more credit to my surgeon.

I am so glad I didn’t see these images soon after my surgery, but so cool to see now. Amazing what they did.

Overall am doing pretty damn well. Have so much more stamina than before, that it is obvious the condition is better.

Still seem to be overly sweating though. Am taking the subway part of the way to work and it is really hot down there. And between the walk to the station from the lot (damn they need a lot more parking at the lots for the Metro in Los Angeles) and the heat in the station I get really overheated, and when I stop, IE, when I get to the office and set my bags down (I am carrying 3 bads, one with 2 big things of water and ice, another with my iPad and Kindle and a third with my lunch, a towel and spare shirt) I really sweet for a bit before I can cool down. That is why I have the spare shirt and towel, and of course extra deodorant. Not getting out of breath, but certainly overheating.

And I am still pretty sore. Have been walking on the treadmill 30 minutes each morning, and doing some with my kettle bell, though only a 10 pounder for now, but that has left me pretty damn sore.

And yes, still having memory issues. Making sure to write everything down (not that I always didn’t), so that I don’t forget anything. Really seems to be more at the end of the day, and by the end of the week. I am not getting much done on weekends or in the evenings (not that I have much evenings), as I am resting from the week, as my body is obviously still tired and recovering, and 50 hour work weeks seem to be a lot when I am still recovering, and I am not sure the 2 and a half hours of driving each day helps much either.

Still so glad to be back at work and making money again. So glad we had insurance, but still expensive overall, and even worse was having a full 3 months down where I could not be making money. Need that income!

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