Surgery Update almost 6 Months

Well I am 6 months out from my Heart Surgery as of the 24th, so in 6 days, and just wanted to give an update, and also link to the surgery photos for anyone that wants to see them, but they are pretty gruesome, so I have not included them here. You have to click here to see the 6 photos taken during my surgery.

As I have had for a while, I have a great deal of stamina now, which I did not have before. And I seem to be able to do a lot of exercise, though of late I have noticed an excessive amount of sweating.

I have been taking the subway to work, and it is really hot in there, and I usually start sweating in the subway (I seem to really start sweating when I stop moving) and have had to bring a towel and extra t-shirt as well as deodorant to work. I am sure a lot of this is just being out of shape, and having gained back all the weight I lost during recovery (which I now need to lose again, serious diet time after the holidays as I could use to lose about 75 pounds).

And I am really sore, especially across the chest. Not so much on the wound (which is still very red as you can see), though it does get sensitive. Of course a big part of that is carrying so much to work (a backpack and two bags with a strap over each shoulder).


I am just sore. And I am sure 10 hours a day in front of the computer, 2 and a half hours of driving and 20 minutes on the subway are not helping a whole bunch. It sucks as I was much less sore before going back to work, but now that I am working so much I am really sore. Luckily my job let me take a couple of weeks off of work to recover a bit, and hopefully I can get back to work just after thanksgiving, and will be feeling a bit better. I really hate being this sore all the time.

And it is mostly on the sides of my chest near my shoulders and not in the middle, but seemingly the other ends of the muscles that were cut that are so sore.

Still putting wheat germ oil (which my chiropractor recommended) on the scar to try to heal it, but it is still pretty darn red, but I can wear shirts all the time without it being bothered too much (sometimes it gets sensitive at the end of the day).

And yes I am still a bit muddle headed, but it is better, just not feeling too creative. I can work just fine, in fact it seems to clear my head up doing work, but by the time I get home I don’t have much energy to do much on the side. And I just haven’t been creative on my own projects at all of late. Just kind of blank, which I hope get better soon.

Still don’t get the impression that I in any way regret surgery! I am so glad i did it! I just thought I would be more recovered sooner I think. And overall I am doing pretty well, just think I am overly tired from going back to work and doing 2 jobs in a row.

Am a bit nervous about stopping working for a bit when I had work, especially as we can really use the money right now, but I just needed to re-energize a bit and hopefully can start right up soon and start making money again! I mean I already feel better than I did when I took off work after Tuesday, and after another week I should feel a whole lot better, just hope they haven’t replaced me at work, especially since I had to turn down another job!

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