8 Hour Diet Update

So while I did cheat a bit this weekend (not on hours, but I did have a Reuben, though I thought you were supposed to be able to eat what you wanted!), things have still stayed leveled off for the most part. I am up 3 pounds from my lowest weight, though I did lose 7/10’s of a pound yesterday. Will see how today goes. Am starting to think I may have to try 7 hours to see if I can lose weight that way.

Been thinking about my weight lately quite a bit. So weird that eating the same thing and exercising more that I have managed to put on almost 30 pounds more than what I weighted before the surgery! I am actually wondering if my slower heart rate means less callories burned. Seems like that makes sense. So maybe even with the 8 hour diet i need to cut down on my food intake more. I am trying to have at least a salad a day, though I have been having 2 at work, one at noon and one around 3 to tide me over.

Going to keep trying the 8 hour diet, but hopefully will get better results soon. Will keep you updated.

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