8 Hour Diet Update, Lost a Pound a Half Yesterday

Well modifying to a 6 hour diet seems to have worked for me for the time being. I lost a pound and a half yesterday. Pretty impressive, but then I lost 10 pounds in 7 days to start and then gained 5 and a half pounds back doing the same diet and the same exercise. Still haven’t gotten down quite to where I was, though I am pretty close at this point (another pound). Still want to lose about 73 more pounds here!

And I am doubting that the weight loss will last, as I have already had to cut down from 8 to 6 hours, and now I am so damn hungry in that period! I certainly ate more than I normally would. One salad with chicken, one without, an apple, some berries, 2 servings of beef stew with rice, a mango, and a thing of Carbmaster Dairy product (can’t call it yogurt as it has less than 3 grams of sugar and 60 callories and has the consistency more of pudding, but is OK with some berries) as well as a handful of walnuts and a handfull of almonds. And 25 minutes on the treadmill and some kettle bell.

Pretty impressive that I still lost a pound and a half eating all that, so something in the intermittent fasting does certainly work, just think my body gets used to it really damn fast! I am betting I stop losing weight again within in a week (though I hope I am wrong). And I am not sure I can do a 5 hour, or even a 4 consistently. And 6 is only doable right now as I am working so close to my house! Otherwise, I would probably need to shift to 3 to 8, as I usually don’t get home till around 7 PM or later (currently getting home by 5:30 PM as I start at 7 AM).

And I am going through way too much sugar free gum in the time in between eating, as well as Coke zero! I could see doing quick workouts for some of those times if I wasn’t doing 10 hour work days.

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