Surgery Update, 9 Months Out

Well it has been a while since I have done a surgery update, so I figured I should do one at some point.

Overall I am doing great. I am really not sore anymore. And my chiropractor has finally started giving me full adjustments so my back feels great, and I really needed that. Amazing how much better I feel just after having a full adjustment. And my chest pretty much doesn’t hurt anymore. Once in a while I still feel it, and have still been using a pillow in the car, but mostly to just keep it like it is than to stop any current pain. The scars are looking the same really, but haven’t turned white yet, like they supposedly eventually will.

My brain is certainly doing better, though I still have a bit of brain fog. I certainly forget things more than I used to, and it is as annoying as all hell. Still it is vastly better than it was. And I seem to have some of my old creativity back as I have been working on my reel and having fun making new graphics for my reel. Still haven’t done any writing yet though, hopefully I will feel like doing that again soon.

As for my energy, it is awesome! I have so much more energy. I am doing a 2.1 mile walk every morning with a 9 story hill that is brutal, and while I do stop once going up it, I am getting farther every day that I can walk before stopping.

Still sweating like a mad man though. It has been cold in the mornings, and I am talking 39 degrees (mind you this is 4:30 AM, but still this is Los Angeles) and it has been cold to start the walk, but once I get up the hill I get sweaty and hot, though it is too cold to take much off (mostly wearing a hoodie and hat).

As for the diet, I can say it does not seem to be working too well. I am going up and down, but seem to be staying around 250 pounds, which is only 8 pounds done and have been going for at least a month. Now I have cheated some, but not much and have been even eating in 7 or 6 hours when I can, but just don’t seem to be losing much, and that is with more exercise, and eating less. And I am eating tons of salads, I mean tons. Many days I have a salad for lunch and one for dinner, though I guess I need to eat less little snacks, but even those have been tiny, and things like nuts and Apple’s that are recommended in the diet. I have this feeling that since the 8 hour diet is easy for me, it isn’t right for me, but I am still trying it, and we shall see. I mean I did drink with my friends this weekend, so it makes sense I gained some weight, so I will keep going and keep trying to eat less and healthier and just see what happens.

So overall I am mostly recovered and it is time to lose weight and start getting my body in better and better shape. Need to start doing more kettle bell again, though after a 50 minute walk I don’t want to do more, and I just don’t feel like exercising when I get home from work.

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