Diet and Surgery Update, 10 Months Out

Had to do an update today as I weighed myself, and as of this morning I am down to 243.3 from 258, 14.7 Pounds! Nice! Now it has been 3 months, but I seem to be going down fairly steadily now, if slowly! Of course I am also doing quite well exercise wise and eating wise.

I go to sleep around 10PM and asleep by 11 and up around 4 AM with my alarm set for 5 AM.

I start my day with a 2.1 mile walk, and I have started jogging in it. a 1/4 of a mile section and then 2 1/8 mile sections I jog in. And I don’t even get all that out of breath, do I do sweat a ton! My new GP has me then doing some weights, I do some kettle bell focusing on legs, some hand weights and sit-ups. I then go to work, but right now am taking the subway from universal into Hollywood, and take as many stairs as I can handle, while carrying 3 bags, a backpack with my lunch, my briefcase with iPad and Kindle and my big bag with 2 big bottles of water and ice. The first walk is around 4500 steps, and the subway is around 3500 both ways, plus a lot of stairs in between. For lunch I have a salad (I pre-make a lot of salad) with chicken I bake and slice with my meat slicer and red beans. And some Briggs salad dressing cut with straight vinegar to make it less fattening. I have 3 apples during the day and a handful of nuts, though I do chew sugar free gum to get by as I get hungry by 11. I bring another salad, but have been saving it for dinner and having that when I get home along with something else. I have had nuts or a handful of goldfish or yogurt. And I end with a couple of 15 calorie sugar free popsicles and stop eating by 8 PM. Now I have cheated some, as we usually eat something bad on the weekend (I would prefer a rueben at Brent’s) and some days where I have been working late I got a couple of big burgers at Carl’s JR, and have still been losing weight! And my dad was just in town, so I had steak rice bowls at Take a Bao and made Bulgogi, and still am losing weight!

As for the surgery. Well honestly my chest is really sore. Not only working, but the weights I am sure. Chest just hurts, so need to do a little less weights, maybe the 10 pound Kettle bell instead of 15, and take some weight off my hand weights.

Now i just need to find more time in the day! Ha! Doing pretty darn well, just need to get taxes done!

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