Got this from Creative Cow, obvliously in response to the Maxon plug in in the new After Effects they are talking about their integration with After Effects, which is a plug in to send your scene to After Effects.
You just hit the GoAE button in Lightwave and it will send info to After Effects. It supports:
Cameras: Combine 2D footage and 3D elements by tracking the cameras of live-action footage in After Effects to cameras in LightWave. Move the cameras between After Effects and LightWave to achieve identical real-life camera movements inside LightWave.
Nulls: Send nulls from After Effects to LightWave and place them in 3D space for compositing.
Lights: Achieve the desired look by moving lights, including spotlights and point lights, between LightWave and After Effects for multiple test scenes.
NewTek also has a video showing how it works at their web site.
Of course no the rendering that the Maxon plug in will do, but still a good way to integrate shots more easily between Lightwave and After Effects. I wonder if they will get to work on a plug in like Maxon now? Hopefully!