Surgery Update, Heard from someone else my blog helped! And went below 240 lbs!

So I got another e-mail from someone who is having heart surgery soon, and my blog seems to have helped them over the scary part. Awesome. That is why I posted my blog, as I wanted to help out anyone else going through the surgery. Honestly I had a headache for about 2 months leading up to the surgery just worrying about it, so I wanted to document my experiences not only just post surgery, but of my whole recovery.

And here I am 11 months later. And I am doing great. Did my 2.1 mile walk this morning in 36 minutes and 24 seconds, down from about 45, and follow that with situps, hand weights and a little kettle bell. Am also taking the subway to work (at least part of the way, if only the subway went further and had more parking) while carrying 3 heavy bags, and do as many stairs and another decent walk along with it every day, and am getting almost 10,000 steps every day (got 66,740 last week, and 105 flights of stairs and 29.53 miles), and also mowed the lawn in there and did edging, which I figure doesn’t get as many steps, but is better exercise.

And with the 8 hour diet and eating a lot of salads I am trending down in weight, having gone down 19 pounds since my peek after the surgery (lost weight during the surgery, but quickly went higher afterwards without much exercise for 4 months). In fact I have hit 239.7 as of this morning, which is the lowest I have been yet! WOOHOO BROKE THE 240 MARK!!! AWESOME!!!!

Now I just need to get my cholesterol and uric acid levels down (don’t want gout, which runs in the family).

Sure there is some bad. Some days my chest and the scar hurt, but carrying 3 big bags over it doesn’t help much I am sure. And I seem to have a worse gag reflex post surgery, which makes brushing my teeth for 2 minutes harder (seem to have to do it in 2 1 minute sessions, instead of 1 2 minute), and I wonder if that was from being intubated. And my legs are sore from all the exercise, and my bad knee has been acting up (though the jogging seems to have cause that, so for now no more jogging).

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