Surgery and Diet Update

Haven’t given an update in a while, so I decided it was about time as quite a bit is going on.

I am working 12 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week, so up to 72 a week, and I am tired. Exhausted in fact. This job is really burning the candle at both ends. And before surgery I know I would either be sick, or getting sick, and I am not sick at all, which is a huge change. Before the surgery I know this much stress and this many hours would have made me really sick. I had asked my cardiologist about it, and he had said it had nothing to with my condition, but post surgery I am not getting sick as easily. I wonder if anyone else with hyper trophic has experienced this?

Of course things aren’t all good. I has been doing a 2.1 mile walk every day, then taking the subway to work, and getting over 10,000 steps every day. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to sprain my left foot quite badly. I don’t know how, and I do know it is at least not broken, but I am walking with a cane. I have some prescription anti-inflammatory, but I am almost out. The worst part is that I have not been doing my walk because of it, so have been getting only about 5-6000 steps a day which is affecting my diet.
I am still on the 8 Hour Diet, but the getting up at 3 in the morning thing makes it so hard to not eat till noon, and I haven’t made it every day, plus have eaten up till 9 some nights, but even before my foot, and eating well I have been staying about the same. Had gone from 258 to 236, but now am hovering above 240, going up a bit, but always back down, but not below 240. Hopefully when my foot heals I will be able to walk more, and when not working 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM, the weight will start coming off again.
Scar is about the same. Still a bit sore and am still using a pillow over it in the car, but I think that is likely because of the 3 bags i carry to work, that rub against it on the subway. I ave my backpack with my lunch and spare t-shirt and towel, an original xbox bag with 2 big full water jugs, and my briefcase/messenger bag with iPad and kindle. And I get a good 4500 steps walking from my car to the subway and from the subway to work and back every day, plus quite a few flights of stairs!
Looking forward to the job ending, and hopefully a couple of weeks off before getting a nice long term job! One can always hope!

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