Decompose broken with Imported Media in Media Composer?!?!?

Now this is just showing how long it has been since I have worked in offline resolutions in AVID Media composer, but I didn’t realize that basically Decompose doesn’t work with imported clips. It leaves the clips their whole length, not subclipping anything to consolidate space. So if you were to re-import you are taking entire clips.

I tried Consolidating the media to make smaller clips and then Decomposing, but AVID only imports black clips this way. 
So with all imported Media, you have to import the whole clips and at 1 to 1 that can take a very large amount of hard drive space and time! This is insanity!
This makes the argument to use AMA if you can, but AMA is not working on either Media Composer 5.0.3 box I have access to right now with this copied P2 media. And if it wasn’t working at some point I don’t see how they initially managed to get the Media as DNxHD 36!
So frustrated right now!

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