Diet Update, and Warriors Diet

Haven’t done a post surgery update in a while, so I figure it is about time. Was doing pretty well on the 8 hour diet for a while, though I plateaued and gained some weight back even, though I have continued doing the diet. And eating well on it, most days with 2 light Chicken salad’s a day with Bragg’s low salt dressing cut further with Vineyar. My last big job was a lot of stress though and I just couldn’t do 12 hours a day, 6 days a week! And with that even on the diet i stopped losing weight again even with walking every morning.

So I recently had the Flu, and hadn’t been that hungry, so for the last week I have switched to basically eating a single meal a day, though with some snacking around then, maybe a 2-3 hour eating period, and I lost 2 pounds. The next day the same, and a pound and a half yesterday. And I have still been eating a salad for dinner, though also some dessert and some crackers, but not much more than I would have eaten at just dinner.
 I am going to see if I can keep this up for a little while at least. I guess it is called the Warriors diet and is essentially a 4 hour window to eat in versus 8 on the 8 hour, though most people eat the same calories as they would if they were eating 2-3 meals and I am eating quite a bit less. No matter what it is supposed to lose fat, even with same colories, though not necessarily weight. Supposed to watch Cholesterol though, but that is for eating all your cholesterol at one meal, and I am eating so much less.
Anyway, we shall see as I trying this. Probably gain a lot back if I cheat over the weekend though.

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