iOS 7 Mavericks and Bookmarks!

I just had to get my iPad 3 replaced as the home button was broken, and not only did I lose Gmail Push (as it has been discontinued except for Apps and there is no way to upgrade a normal GMAIL account to apps), but I have also lost all my bookmarks on my iPad as they no longer allow direct syncing from iTunes, you can only get bookmarks from iCloud.

That would be fine if iCloud bookmark syncing worked, especially with LastPass, which I use to sync my Chrome and Firefox bookmarks with Safarl. The problem is that ages ago my iCloud bookmarks became corrupted, and I could never get them to work right again, and now they seem to be empty. As even with iCloud bookmark sync on, I get no bookmarks on my iPad whatsoever! THIS REALLY SUCKS!!

If only apple would allow you to have basic controls over iCloud, like overwrite iCloud with this computers bookmarks (like they used to have), but now it is so dumbed down that my bookmarks are screwed up and I can’t fix them, and I can’t just sync my bookmarks with iTunes like I always did previously!

APPLE YOU HAVE REALLY FUCKED THIS UP! I don’t want to have to go into the Apple Store to try and fix this either, but it might be the only method since there is no phone support. I just want my Bookmarks reset on iCloud. Why can’t I do this?

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