Adobe teases the next version of SpeedGrade and the new Project Candy

At it’s Moving Colors blog, adobe has teased the next version of Adobe SpeedGrade. Unfortunately it doesn’t really go into the program itself, just going into it’s integration with Adobe Premiere Pro. I was really hoping for multi-monitor support, as I find it the biggest problem of SpeedGrade. I want to be able to put my scopes huge on a second monitor so I can see them!

Anyway, here are the features that they list, and the videos which I have already shown in the Premiere Pro post.

•The Lumetri Panel in Premiere Pro.

•Curves, Hue and Saturation in Premiere Pro

•Lumetri 3 Way Color Corrector in Premiere Pro

•Taking it SpeedGrade, your Lumetri color correct in Premiere Pro shows as a single Lumetri Color Layer in SpeedGrade.

•Introducting Project Candy. This is a new app for your phone that lets you take a photo and color match it in 3D color space and save it to your Creative Cloud library and apply it in Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop or SpeedGrade. To me it doesn’t seem all new, but an update the existing iOS Adobe Color App that would let you take photos to make color swatches. The funny part is while I think it is a cool idea, I would rather have the tech built into After Effects or Premiere, so I could do this with a photo on the computer, as I am much more likely to find a reference image that I want to use instead of a photo I am going to take with my phone.

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