Apple Giveth and Apple Taketh Away. Taking away ringtone support from iTunes 12.7.

So Apple has released iTunes 12.7 and after years of people complaining have removed some parts of itunes to relieve all it’s complaints of bloatware.

They have removed the iOS App store and the Ringtone manager completely from iTunes.

Unfortunately there is no way to now organize or control your ringtones from within iTunes. You can manually drag ringtones to your phone with iTunes, but they have removed the sync feature. This is a feature I used all the time, and this is just frustrating. I make my own ringtones, as I don’t want to pay Apple for them, but they obviously just want me to buy ringtones from them.

Of course I still want custom Ringtones. Luckily the latest version of Rogue Amoeba’s Fission has updated Ringtone support, that saves the files locally (since it can no longer install them) and you can manually install them using iTunes.

Of course there is the problem of getting the old Ringtones out, but luckily I have Ecamm’s PhoneView, which I could pull the ringtones back out to my Mac (as well as backup texts and messages and many other thing).

I hate how Apple has a propensity to remove features that they no longer care about, but many people use all the time and have been using for years!

And I am not looking forward to when I get my next phone and have to re-install all apps via download instead of directly from my Mac!

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