WTF Adobe has EOLed Adobe Muse!

You can see the announcement right from Adobe, they haved end of lifed Adobe Muse! There newest web design program is poof up in smoke! WTF! And it isn’t like it is just a program we purchased but that we have continued to pay for in a subscription!

They already killed Adobe SpeedGrade once it became an indispensable part of my workflow and now they are killing Muse with which I have sites I am paid to update and maintain and have paid a lot of money in plug ins for.

And it isn’t like they have a replacement! They are just killing it all together, just like SpeedGrade.

Honestly this is starting to make Adobe feel about as trustworthy as Apple. They killed Color, Shake, DVD Studio Pro, Final Cut Pro 7, and now we have adobe following suite. At least with Apple though I wasn’t paying a subscription for the software month after month!

Fuck you Adobe! Fuck you!

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