Apple has created a new video fromat, Apple ProRes RAW

Apple has created a new video format, Apple ProRES RAW and you can check out the White Paper here. They claim it will render 6.3 times faster than red .r3d format. It will be smaller file size than Apple Pro Res 4444. It will soon work with the DJI Xenmuse X7. And the Atomos Sumo 19 and the Shogun Inferno will support it, as well as the Panasonic EVA1 and the Varicam LT. It will allow for tweaking of the ISO and color balance in post.

I would be more impressed if they brought back ProRes Support for Windows, as without that it just can’t be a ubiquitous format.

Hopefully Adobe and AVID will support it soon.

it ships on April 9th with Final Cut Pro X 10.4.1.

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