Apple has released a much more Pro version of the MacBook Pro but reatains the very non -pro Touch Bar

So Apple has finally updated the MacPro with Touchbar to be much more of a Pro Machine, with the 15inch model  being able to have an insanely expensive 4tb SSD, quite expensive 32GB of RAM and a fairly reasonable 6 Core intel Core i9 processor, and a Radeon Pro 560x with 4GB of Memory and true tone display, as well as having 4 USB 3.1 Gen 2 Thunderbolt Ports and a supposedly improved keyboard.

Horribly they keep the horrific idea of the Touch Bar. While it sounds like a great idea, the whole concept of a keyboard is so that you don’t have to look at it, and with the touchbar you are looking down from the screen to the keyboard to interact with it (if an application even uses it). Honestly keys with screens in them would be so much more useful, as would a touch screen, but apple always things they are smarter than everyone else.

Still a 6 core i9 with 32 GB of ram would be great, especially if added to the with the new black magic external video card for Resolve.

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