Another bug with Catalina’s finder iOS Sync and Folders in Apple Music

OK so I have noticed a major bug in syncing with Catalina’s Finder iOS sync. I have some music organized into folders in Music (the late lamented iTunes music portion) and something has happened to the alphabetical order that it shows in sync.

Here is my music of Big Finish Doctor Who audio as it shows in Apple Music.

All the playlists are in alphabetical order in Music as you can see.

Now in the Finder iOS Sync that is not the case.

This is not in order at all. And the synced files are mixed all throughout in random order! WTF!

This is a huge mess!

I have posted both on Apple’s Discussion site and have submitted Feedback to Apple. And I have also posted on MacRumors forums.


UPDATE: So 10.15.1’s latest security update seems to have solved this problem. Unfortunately now I can’t get the sync working as it greys out anytime I make any changes.

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