Adobe Support Community post on Premiere Pro Project Manager Consolidate and Transcode Problems


So I have been seeing a lot of people complaining about Adobe Premiere Pro’s Project Manger and it’s issues. And I have run into quite a few myself where it just doesn’t work for various reasons.

Well I ran into this post about it from 2017 and CC 2017, and it lists many of the things that will break a consolidate and transcode. This lists some things to know that can be an issue, and may be causing you problems when using Project Manager. Now I don’t know if any of these have been solved, but the Merged clips thing has likely bounced Project Manger for me.

And this makes me want to try out PlumePack from Autokroma even more. I know it is for r3d, BRAW or ProREES and can actually trim without recompressing, but the thing that gets me is that it will bring your organized final folder structure with it, instead of just putting everything into a single folder which has always really pissed off.

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