Adobe Desperately needs to enable reading of iXML in Audio Tracks in Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro desperately needs to add support for iXML audio date for secondary audio in Premiere Pro. Currently when you add your external audio in Premiere Pro you get zero of the Metadata that the Audio Recordist has added, you just get the audio.

This is the same Audio in DaVinci Resolve, in which the engineer has added Mix and TrkA and TrkB to the metadata! Why can’t we see this in Premiere?

Being able to see which track is what would make my whole life so much easier. Especially with lav and boom and mix. If the data is there, Premiere Pro should be able to read it for sure, and export it for the mixer to see as well.

Now this is in various places on Adobe Voice, but I have voted for them all but this hasn’t gotten enough votes for sure. 11 votes here. 5 Votes here. And 20 votes here.

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