This is huge, deadline reports on top cinematographers calling on producers to address brutally long workdays

Deadline reported this on August 18th of this year. And this is with IATSE negotiations.

And honestly it isn’t just driving home when dangerously tired. Even just 10+ hour days makes for damage to home life. This industry pushes for more hours and doesn’t respect people’s personal lives.

Back when I was a Production Assistant. I had some long days. Over 24 hours on music videos and doing returns straight after wrap. And sure I was younger, but that doesn’t make it less dangerous.

And as an editor it is usually 10 hour days minimum, and pre-covid (and soon to be back since places are opening back up in September) easily an hour drive on each end in Los Angeles traffic, and sometimes hours. If your gonna sleep 8 hours that leaves 4 hours at home. Figure an hour to get ready in the morning, and I have 2 dogs to walk which is at least an hour. Then dinner, and how much time do you have? And with longer days, there is less time. I have had editing gigs that expect 12 hour days 6 days a week and still want more hours. The industry needs to be reigned in.

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