Adobe Updated Media Encoder to 2022, October 2021 Release version 22.0 at Adobe Max Today

So Adobe Updated Media Encoder to October 2021 release version 22 today, and unifed version numbers of the video apps, so you can tell the version it works with by the version number (if only each version number had it’s own icon or color to tell them apart).

It’s new features tie into the new features of After Effects and Premiere Pro, most excitingly with COLOR MANAGEMENT FOR H.264 and HEVC on Import and Export! WOOHOO FInally working around Apple’s fucked up color on the mac, and like DaVinci before it, letting you export compressed video with proper metadata tags so that it will display correctly whoever is looking at it! I literally have problems with this every single day, so I can’t wait to give it a try. This is game-changing if it works!

Also included is Color Management for Sony XAVC-L-HDR and Faster Rendering for After Effects with multi-frame rendering, should be 3x as fast! Woohoo!

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