Larry Jordan did an Apple Motion Speed Test and it is slower on the new 2021 M1 Pro MacBook Pro than a 2017 Intel iMac

Larry Jordan did a speed test of Apple Motion on Intel Vs. Apple Silicon and Apple Motion got slaughtered.

Now I don’t think this has anything to do with the hardway, but more not been working on the code for Motion, instead focusing on Final Cut, but it is disturbing since it is pretty much as shared graphics engine between the two. And interestingly it gives more perspective on AVID being so slow on updating for M1, because you obviously need to really update the code to make it faster, and if even Apple is slow to update, then how can you expect 3rd parties to be fast (with the exception of Blackmagic who could not be faster on their updates).

Let’s hope Apple gets on this and updates the Motion codebase, as for me the best features of FCP are what Motion can do.

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