A Bunch of Sites and Video Reviews of the Mac Studio and Studio Display and it is good

Stu Maschwitz has his post with speed tests. And Scott Simmons at the Pro Video Coalition has part 1 of Mac Studio for editing.

Scott Simmons has cables plugged in like Ido

9to5 Mac has a slew of reviews a swell as their own quick look by Chance Miller. And MacStories with it’s reviews roundup has a bunch more.

And I like the review from SixColors, because he has so many cables attached already which makes it seem much more real of a user, or at least one more like me.

So many of the early YouTube reviewers blow my mind, as their review space is so pretty. My office is not, most people would call it a pig sty (or maybe shar pei sty), but mine is used everyday and I have dogs. My wife would love to come in and clean, but I would never find anything. And it is especially messy now with me having a broken foot and all. Just blows my mind that their “work space” is so clean. I mean I have so many things connected to my mac it is a joke (2 thunderbolt 4 hubs and countless usb hubs). And just all the hard drives from work!

I so want a Mac Studio, but i also want to see what the MacPro is. I just don’t see how expandable it can be. Not chance of changeable RAM as it would be so much slower. Maybe it could have PCI, but not a graphics cards, so I doubt it.

And I have seen some people saying they can’t do the same thing with Ultra, so a 4×4 version would be seen as 2 processors, and then wouldn’t have double bandwidth and maybe not even double the ram, as it could only use the main bank, but lets hope that isn’t true.

I really hope that it has a dual Ultra, but I am not sure I could afford that anyway, so this could be my next machine.

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