My short film The Misadventures of Bear is going to playing at the Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival at Wondercon this year on Saturday March 25th in the 1:00 PM showing in Room 303AB of Anaheim Convention Center. I will post when it is able to be viewed after it finished it’s appearance in all the festivals it has been accepted in.

Anyway, on to the important bit, the Festival is supporting a 12 year old Ukrainian Filmmaker and wants to bring her to festival, but it needs to raise the money to do so, so they have started a GoFundme Page for her to bring her here for the festival.
Please consider giving to the GoFund me to bring her from Poland for festival.
She has 2 amazing documentary films about her experience in the war, and they are a must see.
And here is her Facebook page.
And for the Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival, here is their Instagram, and Twitter. And Wondercon’s Twitter.