And here are posts at Adobe Forums where other people are also having the issue. And I ended up trying it quickly because of the whole issue with the export window not working, as I was running the beta to get around it, so I tried this right when ti came out, and no matter what Project I opened the whole thing just beachballed, but the Beta continues to work, but for release version I had to jump back to 23.2, since it is before the damn export bug.
I had been enjoying the text editing features, except how if you edit from a sequence it cuts in subclips and not the original clips (there should be a switch for this, as I can’t think why you would want it to edit out subclips).
I just feel the beta runs a little less stable than the release versions, so for paid work I need to stay on a stable release version, and it would be nice if 23.4 worked for me, but it just doesn’t.
And I basically erased all of my Premiere Pro preferences, the entire folder to try and get it running, as it kept pulling old preferences from earlier versions, but even completely trashing all Premiere Pro sequences on my hard drive it is still beachballing.
So be wary of 23.4 as it does not like my iMac Pro at all.