8 Hour Diet has levelled off

Wow, that was fast. After losing 10 pounds in 1 week the diet seems to have just stopped for me. I am still eating healthy, mostly salads, though some left overs for lunch. And I have fasted for 16 hours each day, and haven’t been eating anything bad at all, but not only have I stopped losing weight, I have gained back a pound and a half, and am now staying completely level.

Now either the diet has stopped working as my body got acclimated, which sure didn’t take long or my body has shifted. I have noticed I am pooping at least a few more times before i eat at noon, so maybe i am just not relieving enough waste during the night, it is going before i eat. Will weight myself before noon this weekend (though I can’t do that during the week as I will be at work) and just see what it says (probably won’t be right as I will have drank liquid by then HMMM).

I sure hope this isn’t all I got, as I am not even down to my pre-surgery heavy weight, and I really need to lose at least 50 pounds, and would like to lose 75. And am still exercising quite a bit!


So I went for my long walk and went to the bathroom again, and I did go down a bit more to 248.3, and now it is time to have some water, and soon lunch (not being good today, a Reuben at Brent’s is in my future).

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