Surgery Update, “Brain Fog”

So I want to talk more about the post surgery brain fog. I talked to my friend who is a surgeon about it, and he said that yes it should wear off in a year, and that they thing it may even be mico strokes (very scary).

I found an entry on it in Wikipedia, Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction. And I for sure have it.

Strangely it doesn’t seem to affect my ability to edit at all, as long as I take notes (as it seems to be more of a memory thing), I edit just as quickly. And that is a very good thing. In fact it seems to clear up while I have editing to concentrate on!

The worst is the end of the day. When I get home from work, and if I want to get anything personal and creative done, I don’t have the brain power. And overall my memory recall seems a bit slow. Even on the weekends trying to write or do art, or even play video games seems a mostly futile effort.

The other thing I have noticed lately is sweating.

I have always been a person who sweats my whole life (likely tied to the hypertrophic I would assume), but lately I have been noticing something interesting, if annoying. While I do sweat while exercising, not super excessively, but as soon as stop my body starts sweating incredibly for a little while, and really have to stop and cool down. This isn’t so bad when I am working out, as I can stop and sit in front of a fan to cool down quickly, but right now I am taking the subway for part of my trip to work, which means a walk and lots of stairs, and standing in a very hot subway for 10-15 minutes, and basically by the time I get to work I am drenched in sweat and it takes me a bit to cool down. So I have to bring an extra shirt and a towel to clean up as soon as I get to work. This is annoying, and I hope I not bothering the people I work with! Lots of deodorant is being used, and hopefully helps.

As for the soreness, I am still really sore, but it is getting better, or not bothering me as much. I still feel it, especially at the end of the day, but it is improving. And I think it helps that I have been doing some light Kettle bell exercises at least a few times a week (using a 10 pound Kettle bell) after my morning walk.

My back is still out, and I can see another trip to the chiropractor soon, though I wish I could get a full adjustment instead of using just the activator.

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