Surgery Update, 6 Weeks out! Sternum should be mostly healed

So I am 6 weeks out from Surgery and my sternum should be mostly healed, so I am going to the chiropractor today to get my back adjusted and see if I can get a bit out of the pain I have been in since the surgery. The back has been the worst part.

Sure the Chest is sore, but mainly because the muscles have been cut, and sowed back together. So it is week and I have to take it easy, though I did get a couple of Kettle bells so I can start exercising again (though with less weight) and really get my chest back up to speed.

And of course now we have the fun of getting additional hospital bills after we thought we had paid everything off! We hit the max out of pocket on insurance, and here they go charging us a lot more! WTF! Hopefully it is a mistake, but we shall see.

Now for the scab update.

The top of the main wound seems to have pretty much healed. No more scab, just red. I thought I would have a divot there, but it seems my body has healed over.
The chest tube wounds have been causing trouble. I lost both scabs, and though the one on my right looks pretty good and clean, the left one is forming another dark scab, which will likely come off again before too long. And I still have the weird little bruise with the knot under it next to that one. It hurts and even bothers me when I am sleeping, though it is getting better.

Overall the scars are still pretty red, and the big one is still sore, especially when I use my chest to lift anything or do much with my arms besides watch movies or play video games. Need to get my chest in better shape so I can get back to work, but that is what the kettle bells are for!

Overall doing pretty damn well, but looking forward to seeing what the chiropractor can do today! I am sure it will take a few visits, especially if he can only use his tool and not do a full adjustment, but we shall see, and I will report on it.

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