Surgery Update 4 Weeks Out

Wow, so 4 weeks out from open heart surgery! Crazy! Kind of surreal. In some ways I am already so much better, but I really want the sternum to heal so I can drive and lift things (well can never lift more than 40 pounds) and so I can go to a chiropractor because my back hurts!

Sleeping on my back is already unpleasant, but with my back out and hurting so badly it is so much worse. It is really really painful. In fact it is the worst part right now, and only being able to take Tylenol does not help much either!

And I am still coughing. Having to have Kelly beat my back when she gets home to loosen phlegm. It is still clear so not infected, but every night it gets annoying and I start coughing, so have to get it out. Wish I could be hung upside down and just let my damn lungs drain!

Still am walking 2.1 miles a day up and down some big hills around the veterans center close to here. Still going down the big hill and not up it, but doing pretty damn good!

My wounds are looking better as well. The main wound is much smaller, though has gotten much redder, but really isn’t bothering me. Except it feels tight and gets a little sore at time.


And the top scab keeps losing pieces and bleeding a bit at times.

The two chest tube wounds have really scabbed over and gotten crusty, and are both pushing out, like it is healing below and pushing the huge scab out.
You can see how crusty it looks here, though it is not that yellow without the flash.
Here is without the flash, You can see how they are pushing out a bit.

Just making sure to keep them dry. Putting on a big waterproof bandaid to take a shower, and then cleaning them with betadine and then alcohol. And that seems to be working. They are not hurting and seem to be healing though my skin sure is dry around them!

Still see those 2 wounds as being my worst scars, as the main incision has such good stitching it will end up looking pretty damn good I think!

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