The new Import and Export workflows in Premiere Pro Beta

Scott Simmons at the ProVideoCoalition has a great article on the new import and export workflows that are being premiered in the latest Adobe Premiere Pro Betas. As Scott says these look like dumbed down versions of software for new users, but as long as they don’t supplant the old ways of doing things, and they keep adding features like projects and don’t mess with the timeline too much I am OK with new low end features too.

Adobe also has a Page up on the new features.

The New Export Window is cleaner and takes up the full screen automatically

One problem with the whole screen thing, is that it is completely taking over the Premiere Pro interface, and my automatic response was to go to the red button on the top left to close the window, which closes the whole program. To close the export panel you have to go to the EXIT button on the bottom left. Which the hell knows about?

See the Exit button on the bottom left corner.

Honestly I kind of see where they are going here, as the export instead of a window is now basically a workspace, but if that is the case treat it like a workspace and have it with the workspaces (at the top of the list) and to exit it you go back to your workspace. It is going to take me a bit to break me of closing it as a window if I need to.

Or they realized and put an exit in because might not realize that you leave by going to Edit instead of export, but this makes the edit workspaces a second tier (since you have to click twice to access and select them now, and they are only within the edit interface and not within the export interface. And why the hell is the Exit button on the bottom right of the Import dialogue and left of the Export dialogue?

A single unified Workspaces would make much more sense to me instead of 2 tiers, and it is 2 tiers as the workspaces have now been moved to their own button, and in both Import and Exit they are greyed out.

Greyed out Workspaces

And the default Export Settings is so much less pro now, being renamed to destinations. Well OK you can include upload settings, but it is not something a pro will normally use.

The Default Export Settings

All these “Destinations” are so web oriiented, how about some master settings, or at least export full resolution timeline at it’s settings (which should be the top setting). Honestly I never use an automatic upload. Anything that is for mastering needs to be exported then watched then uploaded anyway, so having all these “destinations” is completely useless to me. And how about a destination which could be a bit useful at least, but still should be watched before uploading.

Now it is easy enough to add new ones, based on the settings you make with the media file settings.

New Media File Destination added to the list.

And as for getting to the compression settings, everything is harder to get to now, taking multiple clicks to do what could be opened by one before.

I have to click more and scroll to see more settings
Once I have clicked more

And you cannot type in a number in the bitrate, only use the slider to set bit rate. No thank you, I need to be able to type in a bitrate as I used to be able to. (UPDATE: in the forums they have said they are working on this).

I am really not sure about the new header bar, and it’s hiding the workspaces in favor of Import/Edit/Export which becomes a new tier of workspaces, and ones that I don’t use as much as my edit workspaces on a day to day basis.

Going to be interesting to see how Adobe makes it standard across apps, as I am assuming that will just mean video apps, but we shall see.

I can honestly say I don’t need the Import and Export all the time on my title bar, I would rather have quick access to my custom workspaces than have those. Many times I import most everything at the start then only need a graphic here and there so don’t need it on the title bar.

I think it should all be one workspace system or at least make Edit a drop down with your workspaces.

So now it is two clicks for me to change workspaces instead of 2. That is not an improvement.

You can discuss the new features at the Adobe Support Community, here is for the Header Bar, Import Workflow and Export Workflow. And the Export discussions says the layout is still being worked on, and they are going to add BACKGROUND RENDERING as well as the already added multiple outputs.

And I really wish Adobe would fix Merge Clips rather than adding new stuff.

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