Adobe Premiere Pro 12.1.2 Update, July 2018, didn’t fix multicam audio render bug!

Eric Philpott at the Adobe Blog has listed the new features of this new point update of Adobe Premiere Pro to 12.1.2.

The new features are limited to Performance enhancements and format support including Hardware Accelerated H.264 and HEVC decoding on the new MacBook Pro and iMac Pro, and Accelerated Encoding on Windows 10 with seventh generation and later processors, as well as improved RED Decoding and Sony RAW/X-OCN formats. They have also added export to 8K H.264 and a few other formats, but mostly it is about bug fixes.

Already I have seen the Recent warnings about incompatible fonts having gone away.

This release did not fix the really f***ing annoying Multicam Audio bug, where to see the waveform in your multicam clips, you need to render the audio. This would be OK if it kept the render between restarts of the program (or crashes), but every damn time you have to re-render the audio to see the waveforms! COME ON ADOBE, THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN AROUND FOR WAY TOO LONG FOR YOU TO HAVE NOT FIXED IT!

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