NoFilmSchool on Octopus Cinema tease of a pocket-sized super 16 4K camera for under $1000

From Jourdan Aldredge at nofilmschool. Any 4K camera for under $1000 is exciting news.
From Jourdan Aldredge at nofilmschool. Any 4K camera for under $1000 is exciting news.
You can check it out over at HighDefDigest, but we are getting Titanic on December 5th, Digital releases on December 12th, then Avatar 1 & 2 on December 19th and the good stuff on March 12th, Aliens, The Abyss and True Lies! WOOHOO!!!
The last Abyss release is non Anamorphic SD DVD, so this has been a long time coming!
Already I have been annoyed by YouTube, a recent update on Apple TV, has my TV showing a lost connection at every commercial break, which means huge delays on every commercial break. I have seen speculation that it might be the addition of HDR to the Apple TV app, which means that the commercials are different than the stream, and causing the lost connection and pause at every commercial break.
And as they add more commercials in every video it gets more annoying. And now it looks like they are moving 4K to the paid tier as well.
I can honestly say that it just doesn’t reach the $12 a month that is costs for YouTube premium, but it might mean I watch less YouTube videos.
RedShark has an announcement on the new OM System’s OM-1 the last camera with the Olypmpus Branding. and it is a 4K powerhouse, though only records internally in H.264 and H.265 video with 4:2:2 color resolution (It needs an Atomos to record ProRES). It has not been priced as of yet.
Sony has announced it’s new Alpha 7 IV camera with 33 Megapixel Full Frame Image Sensor and 4K Video at 60 FPS in 10 Bit 4:2:2 vs 4K 30 in 8 bit for the mark III.
The 4K at up to 30 FPS uses the entire 7K Width of the Sensor, which 4K 60 FPS uses a 1.5x crop, which uses 4.6K and can use SD UHS II cards except one setting which needs a CFExpress Type A card. And it can record for more than hour without overheating!
The one big video issue is that unlike the III you can’t do 16 Bit RAW Video to an external recorder, in fact their is now RAW video, which is very unfortunate.
Still I would love this camera, but the video capabilities of the BlackMagic 6K Pro are superior, but it doesn’t have the still capabilities of this camera. My current still camera is non full frame DSLR the Canon 60 D, so I have lenses that would work for the Blackmagic, but this would be an amazing replacement.
The high end Canon EOS R5 for $4000.
And the more consumer $2500 dollar EOS R6 have been announced.
They use the new RF Lens Group, and must use and adapter to use EF or EF Lens with a slight crop.
The R5 is 45 Megapixels with an ASA up to 102400 while the R6 is only 20.1. with an ASA up to 204800. They both have super fast 1053 zone autofocus with up to 20 FPS and both use dual cards, though the R6 is just UHS-II while the R5 has a single CFExpress which is required to required to run 8K RAW (and strangely it doesn’t do 4k RAW at all).
So for video the R5 does 8K DCI and 8K UHD, as well as 4k DCI and 4k UHD at 120 FPS, with a 20 minute recording time. And the 1 TB CFExpress card for about $800 will hold 53 minutes.
The R6 only shoots 4K UHD at 29.97 or 23.976, and doesn’t record in RAW at all.
The screens on the back are fully articulated and touch screen, but the R5 has a slightly larger higher resolution screen and the R6 also removes the LED from the top of the camera.
Can’t wait to see how these cameras shoot video, because we know the stills will be good, but lets hope for little jello.
It looks like Canon has finally stepped up with DSLR’s for video that are very impressive, if a bit expensive!
So this is a new test with my OSMO+ and DJI extension rod working in Low mode with my Shar Pei’s Indiana Bones and J.K. Growling.
I did a quick, though insufficient color correction in Premiere Pro 2017 Lumetri, though I have not gotten the image flat enough as of yet. It was on auto exposure and UHD settings.
So this is a stringout of more footage of my first tests with the DJI OSMO+ with Z-AXIS. I did a simple color correct, and the music is Tiny Parham and his Musicians “Washboard Wiggles” from PublicDoman4u.
I need to practice more for sure as you can still see my steps quite a bit. And I am thinking ND filters would be a good bet, as the exposure certainly goes from peaked to crushed across the board. Need to play some more.
Some of my first test footage with my DJI OSMO+ with Z-Axis shot at the Suiho En Japanese Garden of Water and Fragrance in Van Nuys. This is unprocessed other than being recompressed for 4K YouTube. I still need to get better at the Z-Axis to stabilize my walking better. And it could certainly use a color correct. Still I am pretty impressed.