8 Hour Diet has levelled off

Wow, that was fast. After losing 10 pounds in 1 week the diet seems to have just stopped for me. I am still eating healthy, mostly salads, though some left overs for lunch. And I have fasted for 16 hours each day, and haven’t been eating anything bad at all, but not only have I stopped losing weight, I have gained back a pound and a half, and am now staying completely level.

Now either the diet has stopped working as my body got acclimated, which sure didn’t take long or my body has shifted. I have noticed I am pooping at least a few more times before i eat at noon, so maybe i am just not relieving enough waste during the night, it is going before i eat. Will weight myself before noon this weekend (though I can’t do that during the week as I will be at work) and just see what it says (probably won’t be right as I will have drank liquid by then HMMM).

I sure hope this isn’t all I got, as I am not even down to my pre-surgery heavy weight, and I really need to lose at least 50 pounds, and would like to lose 75. And am still exercising quite a bit!


So I went for my long walk and went to the bathroom again, and I did go down a bit more to 248.3, and now it is time to have some water, and soon lunch (not being good today, a Reuben at Brent’s is in my future).

8 Hour Diet Update, Day 8

Down to 247.7, that means another 1.2 pounds in a day! I have never had results like this from a diet, EVER!

And I am doing the same exercise I was doing pre-diet! 30 minutes on treadmill and some kettlebells, though that is being supplemented by going on the subway, which adds at least 3500 steps in a day, plus lots of stairs. Soon though it will warm up and I will start doing the big 2.1 walk around the Veterans center again. Biggest problem right now is I start out so cold and then end ups sweating (though now I am sweating in the heat of the subway).

This is a diet I think all post operative patients who need to lose some weight should consider! I mean I have never seen anything like it!

8 Hour Diet Update, Day 7

Wow, am so impressed with this diet. One week now. Lost another pound and a half yesterday, bringing me to an impressive 9 pounds lost in 7 days! WOW!

And with such impressive results I don’t want to stop. It would be great to get under 200 pounds in the next 6 months, and that no longer seems hard! In fact I could get back to 175 by years end if the weight loss effect does not significantly slow down. I mean even at 5 pounds a week that would be 15 weeks! Wow! One can only hope.

Will keep updating, but so far I am so impresse by this diet, and think it is the perfect thing to start losing weight after a septal myectomy, especially because it is so easy! I wish I had gone right into when I started really eating again in my recovery so I never gained the weight back I initially lost!

8 Hour Diet

So I had mentioned in my last surgery update that I was starting the 8 Hour Diet, and I wanted to give a little update on it. I don’t want to get into the controversy over the book, as it seems that the diet might have been stolen from a Martin Berkhan at leangains. Even if the initial diet was, there is a whole lot of research in this book, and so far I am very impressed, especially with my results.

Post surgery I had lost some weight, but I have managed to put it on, and more, and gained another 12 pounds over the holidays! Youch! So I had actually gotten up to 258, by far the heaviest I have ever been! I had been around 235 for  while, which was way too much (would like to get back to at least 200, and 175 would be better, though my face did look a bit gaunt last time I was around there, though I still had a belly).

Anyway, I have been doing this diet for 6 days now, and have already gotten down to 250.5. And while I was mostly eating well , I lost 1.3 pounds on Sunday and had a footlong Subway sandwich for lunch and a small dairy queen ice cream cone, and gumbo with rice for dinner! Now I did walk a lot around the mall, but still! So far I am blown away.

And I used to not eat breakfast, but it has been since my wife convinced me I should eat breakfast that I started to, and since she comes home from work so late also eating late that I have really packed on the pounds! I just hope that as the book says your body does not get used to this diet and stop, it just keeps going, because I can see myself staying on my diet for the rest of my life!

I mean you should still eat well, but you can eat some bad things too and still lose weight, and if even half of the benefits it claims are true, lowering cholesterol, helping diabetes  heart disease and even cancer! I am so in, and will continue with this diet.

And I am going 7 days a week, while it says you can get a benefit from only 3, but I would rather get my body back used to the no breakfast at all thing (I was mostly just having smoothies with protein powder, but I still do think if I ate breakfast I was hungrier all day).

Now I going to eat a little more at work, as I was bringing a salad and a half, but am now bringing 2 salads, 1 for noon and 1 for around 4, as I get pretty damn hungry, and 3 apples. Been chewing a little sugar free gum too as I get really hungry from about 11 AM till 12pm when I have my lunch, but so far the results are stunning.