Adobe Anywhere Enterprise Solution Only!

Bart at Creative Impatience has the news that Adobe Anywhere is an Enterprise Only solution! It takes not one, but 4 servers to run! YOUCH!!!! And that works for 6-8 editors! And it requires 25-50 Mbps connection!

I was very excited about this, but not anymore. This is way too high end. They need to do at least iChat Theater so you can edit remotely with Premiere Pro like you could with FInal Cut Pro 7!

Adobe officially announces Adobe Anywhere for Video

Adobe has put up it’s page on Adobe Anywhere, the exciting new technology which will let you edit from anyplace, with all your data stored on a single server! This is going to be interesting to see what kind of server it needs to be run on, but this could really change things.

Unfortunately you don’t see enough places willing to let editors work remotely right now, but this could change. They could have a couple of high end suites in the office, for meeting with producers and clients, and the rest of the work could be done from home without even having to give the editor the information, it just all streams. Wow! Just have to get companies to understand how great this is, so us editors can spend more days working from home!