More fun with iCloud Bookmark sync

So after giving up on LastPass because it is not e10 multiprocessor compatible, I have been trying to sync my bookmarks using Firefox Sync, Chrome Sync and iCloud Bookmark Sync for windows. Unfortunately iCloud bookmarks is garbage, because it has no simple way to either clear bookmarks, or force a sync from a single source, and unfortunately it often gets completely corrupted! To clear it you have to disable sync everywhere except your mac, and let it sit, then clear your bookmarks and either import or create a new clean set. Unforunately this process is very unstable. It requires much switching off sync and waiting, and hoping.

Keep your fingers crossed, as I am.

LastPass 4 does support e10s in Firefox, but no word on Xmarks

So I was let know that LastPass version 4 does in fact work with e10 multiprocessing in Firefox. The normal update does not work, so you need to install LastPass 4.0 from the web site.

There is no word on Xmarks though.

So I am now running the iCloud Bookmarks Plug In on my Surface Pro 4 to sync between Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. And using Firefox bookmark Sync to sync from my mac to my Surface Pro.

Looks like Xmarks and Lastpass will never support e10 Multiprocessor in Firefox

So it looks like neither Xmarks or Lastpass will ever support e10 Multiprocessing in Mozilla Firefox. For years Mozilla Firefox has been my browser of choice because of all of it’s extensions. There was a short period where I used Chrome, but it is not as customizable. Firefox though is changing and is becoming multiprocessor, and that requires re-writing plugins to work with e10, or they won’t work. Right no Firefox will still work without e-10, by keeping Firefox in the old mode without mulit-processor support.

I contacted Xmarks/Lastpass support to see about their e-10 support, and I got this response.


Thanks for reaching out to Xmarks Support.

Through testing that we were unable to install Xmarks in Electrolysis e10. At this time, we have no plans to launch Xmarks compatibility with e10. I will submit a formal feature request ticket advocating your desire if you’d like.


So basically a paid service will never update their software and will very shortly lose all support for Firefox my favorite browser! Time to kill my accounts for xmarks and lastpass!

Of course now the question is how to replace these essential programs. I am going to try out Firefox Browser sync, and iCloud sync. Unfortunately iCloud Browser sync only runs on windows, but I have my Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10, so I can try Safari Browser sync to sync between Chrome, Firefox and Safari on Mac. And it is e10 supported, so that might work. I will keep my backup in Firefox on my mac so I can keep replacing my good backups.

RedShark article on time to take a new look at Final Cut Pro X 10.3

So RedShark has posted an opinion piece on Final Cut Pro X 10.3 and why you should give it a second look now because it is so fast and has become so powerful now. The author gave it a new look after looking at this video.

It is interesting and it does look powerful now, and full of most of the features it should have had on release.

Still a couple of things give me pause. Number one being this quote from the article on the magnetic time line:

The stress of knocking your entire sequence out of sync is gone.

I can honestly say that I never had any stress about knocking a timeline out of sync in any NLE. You learn how to use it and never have an issue with knocking stuff of of sync. To me that is not a reason to create an all new paradigm for the timeline, because I have never had a problem with knocking things out of sync!

And second I just don’t trust Apple anymore. Sure I love OS X and wish I could stay on it forever, but without having a customization “Pro” machine like the old MacPro I can’t see them as Pro. And that is why they have to make FCP X work on less powerful machines so well, because they don’t have a viable alternative. And no way am I ever getting a trashcan even if they do upgrade it. Not having it upgrade able or internally expandable means it will not last like my MacPro from 2009 has! And I don’t trust apple to not just kill FCP X one day. They did it with Shake. They did it with FCP 7. They did it with Color. They did it with DVD Studio Pro. They did it with Aperture. I just don’t trust them anymore.

Safari no longer supporting 4K videos on YouTube

AppleInsider has this article on what is going on. It seems that for all videos uploaded as of December 6, 2016 Adobe has moved from the paid to license H265 Codec to the free VP9 codec, and Safari does not support VP9. Previously the 4K videos had been encoded in H264, but both H265 and VP9 require much more power to playback and it will drain battery life, and use some serious processing power.

Obviously using a free encoder vs a paid license will help the bottom line for Google, as will videos that take up half the hard drive space, but users take a hit because people who don’t have the latest Machines will take a hit and be unable to playback 4K because it is so processor intensive. Seems a little soon, but Google has already made the switch.

If you want to encode VP9, Fnord has a free plug in for Adobe Premier Pro and Media Encoder.

It was the video card that failed, it is replaced and everything is working great

So after some posts online at various forums, it seemed to be that my crashing issues were what I feared. My EVGA NVIDIA GTX 680 4GB was causing the crashes.

Unfortunately MacVidCards seems to not have had any stock since September 2016, so I wasn’t going to get a flashed replacement card.

So I started looking for a PC NVIDIA GTX 980 4 GB with 2 6 pin power supply. This was much easier said than done. There are still quite a few new 980’s out there, but most of them either have 2 8 pin, or 1 8 pin and 1 6 pin for their power supplies. Looks like with the 10 series out (even though those won’t work in a Mac since NVIDIA hasn’t bothered writing drivers for them) that the 6 pin 980 have become rather sparse.

Finally I was able to find a ZOTAC NVIDIA GTX 980 4GB AMP! Edition which had the requisite 2 6 pin adapters, and a bit of a speed increase over stock along with 3 fans instead of 2. I had never even heard of ZOTAC before, but most reviews seem like it is a pretty good company.

I got the card and installed it, no startup screen of course, but it runs great. And speed tests show it is about 100% faster than the 670 I had installed, and it works great, the crashes are gone. And Premiere Pro runs great!

MacPro Crashes are certainly to do with my NVIDIA Video Card

So I have been having some serious crash problems of late on my MacPro 4,1 that has been firmware flashed to a 5,1 with an NVIDIA GTX 670 and 4GB of RAM. I have posted about it here and here.

I am running 10.12.2 with 32 GB of 1066 MHz DDR3 and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 4095 MB and I had started getting bad crashes with noise in the image, which I show in a previous post. And it was happening more and more, especially when trying to run Premiere Pro. I had been running the OS X driver instead of the web driver, as it seemed to be more stable, but when I switched to the web driver 367.15.10.25f01 those crashes stopped, though I did get random restarts still, and crashes when I try and run Premiere Pro (which my previous posts show was from the Web Driver).

So the fact that the different drivers have the different crashes to me seems to show that it is for sure the video card that is causing the crashes. Unfortunately I don’t really have the money right now for a replacement. Eventually I want to replace this whole rig with a PC (as the 2013 Trashcan MacPro is not a powerful enough machine for what I need) but that would be even more.

Now I currently have Premiere Pro running, but am doubtful it won’t crash again soon. And I have run TechTool Pro 12 and it showed my Graphics RAM as being fine. Are there any other tests to see if my video card is for sure failing? I posted at Apple forums, but have gotten no help.

EDIT: Well I was wrong about none of the video noise crashes with the Web Driver. I hadn’t had any, but when running Premiere they happen with consistence. I have had 4 of them in less than an hour. Seems like as soon as CUDA cuts in the issue is happened with the web driver. Basically I can’t use Adobe (the main use for my machine) or I get the crashes. SHIT!

EDIT 2: Also posted on MacRumors and at least one poster says bad video card.

Still getting bad crashes on my MacPro, seems to be connected to NVIDIA card

Still getting nasty crashes, and seems to be with my GTX 670 4 GB in my 4,1 (firmware updated to 5,1) MacPro on Sierra 10.12.2. I am running Web Driver 367.15.10.25f01 and CUDA 8.0.57. From my included Crash Log it is looking like it is the Web Driver, and it crashed as soon as I started Premiere Pro 2017, though I seem to have been not having the previous noise crash running it, but am going to try switching back to the standard NVIDIA driver with Sierra and see if that works.

Tue Jan  3 17:13:57 2017

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 14 caller 0xffffff7f8c15235e): NVRM[0/5:0:0]: Read Error 0x0010a1c4: CFG 0x118910de 0x00100406 0x8a000000, BAR0 0x8a000000 0xffffff93b424d000 0x0e4090a2, D0, P3/4
Backtrace (CPU 14), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff93cd37b760 : 0xffffff800aef211c
0xffffff93cd37b7e0 : 0xffffff7f8c15235e
0xffffff93cd37b8a0 : 0xffffff7f8c22cf7d
0xffffff93cd37b900 : 0xffffff7f8c53ee0a
0xffffff93cd37b960 : 0xffffff7f8c21e17e
0xffffff93cd37b9b0 : 0xffffff7f8c21de09
0xffffff93cd37ba60 : 0xffffff7f8c2c6b82
0xffffff93cd37bac0 : 0xffffff7f8c26884d
0xffffff93cd37bb00 : 0xffffff7f8c268230
0xffffff93cd37bcb0 : 0xffffff7f8c12ebf8
0xffffff93cd37bcf0 : 0xffffff7f8c2c6a61
0xffffff93cd37bd20 : 0xffffff7f8c540530
0xffffff93cd37bd40 : 0xffffff7f8c540418
0xffffff93cd37bd90 : 0xffffff7f8c528252
0xffffff93cd37be00 : 0xffffff7f8c25e109
0xffffff93cd37be20 : 0xffffff7f8c158b71
0xffffff93cd37bee0 : 0xffffff800b4be51f
0xffffff93cd37bf30 : 0xffffff800b4bcd81
0xffffff93cd37bf80 : 0xffffff800b4bc366
0xffffff93cd37bfb0 : 0xffffff800aea0af7
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
            dependency: com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb(10.1.5)[5273B57C-0D1D-344A-93A7-BEFDDD7C0F73]@0xffffff7f8c0e6000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 16.3.0: Thu Nov 17 20:23:58 PST 2016; root:xnu-3789.31.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 8DF81F81-019F-348E-B47E-40A4484B9E21
Kernel slide:     0x000000000ac00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff800ae00000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff800ad00000
System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 23837399125361
last loaded kext at 23090533694669:    3 (addr 0xffffff7f8e32e000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 23625041872161:    900.4.1 (addr 0xffffff7f8e31f000, size 12288)
loaded kexts:
com.expandrive.filesystems.strongfuse    3.5.2
com.nvidia.CUDA    1.1.0
com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower    1.6.7
com.nvidia.web.NVDAGK100HalWeb    10.1.5
com.nvidia.web.GeForceWeb    10.1.5
com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb    10.1.5
com.blackmagic-design.driver.BlackmagicIO    10.8.3
jp.plentycom.driver.SteerMouse    4.2.6    2.6.1    1.9.5d0    3.0    1.0.2d2    110.23.14    1    1.70    3.6.4    1.2.15    1    1.0.1    127    278.56    278.56    5.0.2f4    7.0.0    1    5.0.2f4    3.1    4.0.0    1.0.0    404.30.1    404.30.1    394.30.2    295.20.1    5.5.5    1.0.0d1    1.0.0    2.7.2    1130.3.1a4    40    366.30.3    326    2.0    1.8    5.0    2.1    5.0    1.7    219.0.0    172    3    8    219.0.0    1.0    153.3    278.56    525    289.27    3.13.78    1.0    1.0.14d1    513.1    5.0.2f4    5.0.2f4    278.56    513.1    278.56    1.0.14d1    2.2.7    1.0.0    3.1.9    1.0.0    6.0.0d8    11    307.7    205.11    1.2.0    1.1    5.0.2f4    5.0.2f4    900.4.1    131.1.1    5.0.0    1.1    394.30.2    2.5.1    4.2.7    1.1    394.30.2    1.8    1.8    1.8    4.6.5    266    394.30.2    1200.12.2    1.0.1b8    1.0.4    1    3.2    288    1.1    1.1    1.1    1.1    1.1    1.1    1.0    900.4.1    1.1    2.1    2.0    2.0.0    1.1    300.0    1.0.0d1    2    1.0.5    1.0    1    1.1    1.0    444.30.5    2.1    31    28.30    5.0    2.9    1.4    1    1    1.0
Model: MacPro5,1, BootROM MP51.007F.B03, 8 processors, Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2.26 GHz, 32 GB, SMC 1.39f5
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670, PCIe, 4095 MB
Memory Module: DIMM 1, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4D324C344737324342344E41314E2D424520
Memory Module: DIMM 2, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4D324C344737324342344E41314E2D424520
Memory Module: DIMM 3, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x802C, 0x33364A53463531323732505A2D3147344631
Memory Module: DIMM 4, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x802C, 0x33364A53463531323732505A2D3147344631
Memory Module: DIMM 5, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4D324C344737324342344E41314E2D424520
Memory Module: DIMM 6, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x830B, 0x4D324C344737324342344E41314E2D424520
Memory Module: DIMM 7, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x802C, 0x33364A53463531323732505A2D3147344631
Memory Module: DIMM 8, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1066 MHz, 0x802C, 0x33364A53463531323732505A2D3147344631
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x111), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 5.0.2f4, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Ethernet 1, Ethernet, en0
Network Service: Ethernet 2, Ethernet, en1
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en2
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH41N, 841.8 MB
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST BD-RE  WH12LS38
Serial ATA Device: ST3000DM001-1CH166, 3 TB
Serial ATA Device: ST3000DM001-1CH166, 3 TB
Serial ATA Device: ST3000DM001-1ER166, 3 TB
Serial ATA Device: OWC Mercury Electra 6G SSD, 960.2 GB
USB Device: USB 3.0 Bus
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: Natural® Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: Microsoft Trackball Explorer®
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: iPhone
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: Razer Orbweaver
USB Device: Hub
USB Device: PTK-540WL
USB Device: Transcend
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub [MTT]
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub [MTT]
USB Device: USB UltraPro
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub [MTT]
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub [MTT]
USB Device: Powerbeats³
USB Device: Fitbit Base Station
FireWire Device: ElitePro Qx2, OWC, Up to 800 Mb/sec
FireWire Device: Mercury Elite Pro Quad USB 3, OWC, Up to 800 Mb/sec
FireWire Device: built-in_hub, Up to 800 Mb/sec
FireWire Device: unknown_device, Unknown
Thunderbolt Bus:

Expandrive 3.5.2 Crashing and not connecting with any Service in MacOS Sierra

I have quickly grown to love and be very dependent on ExpanDrive on both Mac and Windows, but the latest update to 3.5.2 on Mac does not work at all for me, though 3.5.1 seems to work just fine. Luckily it is possible to download old versions at ExpanDrive’s site.

I have contacted support and sent my crash reports and diagnostic reports, but have not heard back as of yet.

For those who don’t know, ExpanDrive lets you mount cloud drives as Network drives without keeping the files local, especially important on Laptops with limited hard drive space! Plus it is just one application instead of having to run and app for each of your cloud drives!

Apple Watch and Notification Issues

So I have had my Apple Watch Series 2 for a few months now, and overall I really love it, except in it’s handling of notifications.

My first smart watch was the original Pebble, and I really liked it, and liked how it gave notifications, and that was basically all that I used it for, and it worked well, but I found myself not using as much, because I really didn’t need constant notifications.

I have also been a FitBit user for years, but found I didn’t like the wrist ones with notifications as well as I liked just the normal FitBit One that I would throw into my pocket (until I washed it).

Jump to now and my Apple Watch, and overall notifications seem less important to me that the functions of the watch. In fact much of the time I don’t even notice them, or ignore them.

The one time that Notifications seem to show up all the time is when I am actually using and interacting with the watch, and this is the time when I don’t want to see any notifications.

Literally every time I am using Walkmeter to record my walks, I get notificaitions when I am attempting to interact with it, which slows me down, and just annoys me. The same when I am trying to use the Workout App, and I am trying to see how I am doing, and instead I get full screen notifications constantly! And it takes me out of my workout to dismiss the damn notifications when I want to be seeing the info on my workouts!

This to me seems like the opposite behavior of what it should be. When I am interacting with the watch or using a workout app, I only want to see something like the red dot and a specific vibration to notify me that there are notifications, but not to go full screen, because these are times when I am trying to use the watch itself! I would like a do not disturb feature from within workout apps!

Apple needs to do better at this! It annoys me literally every day.