Simon Wyndham on RedShark News on him considering leaving the Mac for Windows Editing

Simon Wyndham at RedShark News has a good read on why he is considering moving back to PC after the lackluster Pro Laptops and the lack of a real Pro Mac.

Now I have been saying this for years now. I don’t want to leave Mac, as I like it much better than Windows, but Windows has really become superior for Professional Computer work. There is not the choice with Mac, and the fact that the MacPro is from 2013 and itself has no upgrade ability really limits the Mac. Sure I could go Hackintosh, but working on a Quo at work I have seen the issues with upgrading, and don’t really want to deal with it.

Apple has given up on the creative professional, and Microsoft has stepped up. Look at the next Windows Update for Creatives, and the Suface, Surface Book, and Surface Studio are really for creatives!

I think Apple is making a huge mistake by not making machines for the market that kept them afloat through all the bad years, but Tim Cook doesn’t seem to agree, and Apple will suffer for it.

No one is talking about the fact that Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 runs on Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra on Mac

So Adobe released it’s latest update to it Creative Cloud Suite yesterday, and no one is talking about one of the biggest things for Mac OS X users! The last version 2015, only ran on El Capitan, which was an issue for many (especially Hackintosh Users), not running on any earlier OS. Well with 2017 it seems things have changed!

Just check out the Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 System Requirements on Adobe’s site, and you will see what I mean!

Mac OS X  v10.10, v10.11 or v10.12

Yes, that means it now runs on Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra! Who releases a new version that works on earlier software? A company that listens! Wow! Awesome!

And I can finally upgrade to Sierra on my home machine!

Mr. Reader for iPad has stopped development and has been pulled from App Store: The Horror!


My hands down favorite RSS reader for the iPad, the great Mr. Reader has had it’s development stopped and has been pulled from the App store as of September 2016, after no updates for a year. The worst part is even after no development for so long it was still by far the best. Honestly all it needed was to add the in line Safari viewer so it would support add and pop up blockers!
Now I use Feedly, but never liked it’s app much, so I have been going through all the RSS readers in the store to find one i like as much as the late Mr. Reader. Now I used to use REEDER, and I think it works, but not nearly as well as Mr. Reader. I miss scrolling to mark articles as read and marker all as read moving to the next category. And honestly the main the I like in Mr. reader over Reeder is that instead of just showing sites ico files, it showed a preview of the post, usually the featured image, which I have really come to rely on. Especially for photo feeds, such as 500px!
If anyone has any suggestions for anything that will work for me, please let me know.

Apple removed my post on removing 5 Star Ratings from iOS 10!

So i started a discussion on apple discussions about them removing 5 star ratings from iOS 10. It was to get people to contact apple about this to get the feadback, and hope people would show their displeasure and Apple might change their wrongful change, but they erased the posts as of today! The posts were at this point.

Apple dontacted me with the following e-mail:

Hi Jonah (Jonah Lee Walker), 

Thanks for participating in the Apple Support Communities.

We’ve removed your post No 5 Star Song Rating in iOS 10 because it contained either product feedback or feature requests that was not constructive.

To read our terms and conditions for using the Communities site, see this page:  Apple Support Communities  – Terms of Use

We hope you’ll keep using our Support Communities. You can find more information about participating here:  Apple Support Communities  – Tutorials

If you have comments about any of our products, we welcome your feedback:  Apple – Feedback

This is bullshit! Apple is not ony ignoring the posts, but erasing them from existance! WTF! Obviously they have no plans to put this feature back! This could not be more B******t! Nice wat to treat your customers Appke!

Working on 1.1.3 of Sharpei Puppy Stickers

I am working on version 1.1.3 of my Sharpei Puppy Stickers app for iOS 10 Messages. I already have 10 more images of Indy to add. So I need to add more JK Pics, and then will put it up to Apple for a new change.

I have made a few sales, but am hoping for more. Hopefully if people give it reviews it might show up higher in lists, and I am hoping as I add more and more images it will be more of a value! It currently has 46 images, so the next version will have at least 56 images and likely more than that.

Sharpei Puppy Stickers has reached version 1.1.2 and now has 46 stickers!

My first iOS 10 Messenger Sticker app has reached version 1.1.2 and now has 46 stickers for ¢99. I hope that people enjoy it. I plan on adding more stickers to the pack in the near future!

This picture from the iPad version shows all the current stickers available in version 1.1.2.

I will update this site when I add more images! I hope people enjoy the stickers!

Released my first iOS 10 Messenger Sticker app, Sharpei Puppy Stickers

So I have released my first iOS 10 Messenger Sticker App, Sharpei Puppy Stickers for 99¢.

It is a set of stickers of images of my 2 Shar Pei’s Indiana Bones and J.K. Growling. It started with 10 images, but with the second update is already up to 28 images, and I already have 9 more ready to go for the next update (though will probably add at least another 9 to that). All the updates are free, as I figure it is just adding value to the app! I really hope you enjoy it!

I have also added a section of my web site devoted to the app, and future apps, as I already have plans to do a new app with my mother Linda Lee Carnegie who is the amazing artist behind Carnegie Designs.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or issues. Thanks and I hope you enjoy my new app!

Apple has removed Star Ratings in iOS 10, WTF!

And Apple continues it’s downward spiral of removing much used and important features in it’/ latest upgrade. I can’t beliwve it, but apple has removed it’s 5 Star Ratings from Music in iOS 10! Seriously What The Fuck Apple!  I have spent years rating my songs in itunes and a good year re-rating my songs after El Capitan fucked up my iTunes Library!

Now I get the newer and simpler like or don’t like,  but I don’t use it! I use the 5 stars I have used for years! And I like to rate music on my phone, but with iOS 10 I can’t! WTF! This is literally insane!


If you agree please contact apple and tell them to add this feature back! I have!


I stared a thread on the Apple Support Communities in the hopes of getting enough people to request the return of this feature, and so far the thread is already 6 pages long.

Installing Boot Camp on High Capacity Disks

Other World Computing has a great article on how to install a bootcamp partition on disk larger than 2.2TB.

I wish I had seen this earlier. As I recently replaced my 2TB that had bootcamp on a partition on it with a 3TB drive that I took out of my Synology, and I could not restore my old BootCamp partition using WinClone because I could not make the partition. I could do it again now, but would have to reback up the drive and then move it back afterwards, and am not sure I have enough hard drive space for this, unless I wipe out the old disc with BootCamp on it. And I have yet to do a WinClone Restore so I am not sure it will work and don’t want to lose the BootCamp partition just in case.

Batch Converting Pages Documents to Word Documents with Applescript

So if you read this blog you already know that I have pretty much come to the decision that my next computer will not be a Mac. I love my old MacPro 4,1 but it is getting long in the tooth, and I haven’t even been able to do the Firmware Upgrade to get it to 5,1, so the next OS Sierra will not work on my current MacPro as it will only work on a 5,1 (I haven’t tried putting in my old video card before the upgrade, which might help, but it looks like El Capitan makes it harder).

Unfortunately in 2007 I moved over to Pages to do my invoices, resumes and cover letter. Now you can individually export your documents to the modern word format docx, but I am talking hundreds and hundreds of files that I may want to access at some point, so I wanted a way to batch those files.

This requires applescript, and while I used to be OK at Applescript all those skills have since gone away.

A quick google search showed one page dedicated to scripting the iWorks suite, and it is iWorkAutomation. Specifically there is a script to Export to Word, but it is not a batch export, just a single use, and so not of use to me, except for stealing some of it’s commands.

So then I went back to the old faithful applescript forums MacSpripter, and did a search. And I found an awesome script from Yvan Keonig, which automates the process, allowing you to pick a folder with you pages documents and then chose a destination folder, and it batch converts to PDF files.

Luckily my limited Applescript skills and the fact that the script was so well written, let me use the Microsoft Word commands from iWork Automation and combine them to make a script to convert to Word documents.

Just copy this script and paste it into Script Editor and run the script. You can also save the script to your scripts folder.

set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt “Select a folder whose files you wish to convert to word:”)
tell application “Finder”
set filesArray to every file of theSourceFolder whose name extension is “pages”
end tell
set theDestinationFolder to (choose folder with prompt “Select a folder where you want the converted files to be placed: “)
tell application “Pages” to activate
repeat with aFile in filesArray
tell application “Finder”
set fileAlias to aFile as alias
set fileName to name of fileAlias
set fileExtension to name extension of fileAlias
end tell
set theOriginalName to fileName
— remove extension
set prevTIDs to AppleScript’s text item delimiters
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to “.” & fileExtension as string
set fileName to first text item of fileName
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to prevTIDs
— prepare desktop folder path and name
set docPathAndName to (theDestinationFolder as text) & fileName & “.docx” # EDITED
tell application “Pages”
— open the file
set targetDocument to open fileAlias — EDITED : was aFile which is a Finder reference, not what Pages requires
repeat 10 times # I added a loop which may be useful if the original document is very long
export targetDocument to file docPathAndName as Microsoft Word
exit repeat
on error
tell me to delay 0.5
end try
end repeat
— close it
close targetDocument saving no
end tell
end repeat
tell application “Pages” to quit
display dialog “Done!”

Awesome, now I have batch updated all my pages documents to Word documents. Sure the formatting needs some updating, but at least they will all work on a PC!