Adobe Updates Audition with M1 in version 14.2 Support and Premiere Pro with Text Gradients and Improved Captions in 15.2


Adobe updated Audition to version 14.2 with added M1 Support, the ability to Strip Silence and a new Loudness meter

Adobe also updated Premiere Pro to 15.2 with Text Gradients in Essential Graphics, Label Color for Captions and Improved Caption Trimming, the same new Loudness Meter as Audition, improved Canon XF HEVC performance improvements and Direct X12 Display support on Windows.

Adobe Updates Creative Cloud Video and Audio Apps

At Adobe Max Adobe updated it’s video and Audio Apps, as well as 2 new mobile apps (though Photoshop Camera is only in a beta).

Premiere Pro includes the sensei AI powered auto reframe feature. Improved Layers, Faster ProRes HDR, Time Remapping to 20,000%, Audio Gain to +15db, and HDR 10 metadata export controls.

After Effects is a core engine update (woohoo), with Real-time playback of cached previews, EXR productivity and performance, Faster Shape Layers, Enhanced Expressions including speed improvements, Faster Content-Aware Fill, better controls for Motion Graphics, and updated C4D Lite.

Audition has improved multichannel audio effects workflows.

Character Animator and Premiere Rush also have updates.

Adobe has released the app Aero for building AR without coding.

And they announced the AI powered app Photoshop Camera that is currently in beta.

Adobe Creative Cloud Video Production Suite updates for NAB 2019

So Adobe has updated it’s video suite in time for NAB 2019 with some exciting new features, and hopefully some stability improvements.

Obviously the most exciting new features is the content-aware fill for video in After Effects.

I am pretty excited to try this one out, as the results from the demos look impressive, but I think it will work best with moving footage so the pixels exist somewhere.

And the new expression engine in After Effects looks amazing.

I can’t wait to try that out.

For Premiere we get the Freeform view as a kind of visual storyboard.

This is pretty neat, though not a mind blower for me.

And the new rules and guides will make placing things much easier.

Pretty neat. And Faster Mask tracking will always be helpful.

Overall some cool new features, though I am hoping for more stability overall.

Adobe Updates Audition CC to version 11.1.0 April 2018

Adobe has updated Audition CC to version 11.10 April 2018 with a bunch of new features.

Audition now has improved sequence import from Premiere Pro with the ability to open Premiere Pro sequences directly, instead of having to use dynamic link. And it works with all the original files.

There is a New Track panel that allows you to show and hide tracks or groups of tracks, and you can create your own track groups and save them as presets.

Consolidated Media Container means importing a media file imports and audio and video tracks as a consolidated media container.

New on-boarding video tutorials from the launch screen.

Dropped support for Quicktime 7 era formats and codecs.

And some new features to speed up your workflow.

Adobe has updated Creative Cloud Video Apps in advance of NAB 2017

Adobe has beat NAB 2017 this year and updated all of it’s video tools.

You can check out the playlist of 23 videos about all the new features across the full suite.

Adobe Blogs also has info on all the updates.

I am most excited to see the Essential Sound Panel makes it way to Premiere Pro!

Having full Lumetri in After Effects is also very cool, and will be quite helpful, though as you know I still mourn the loss of SpeedGrade as Lumetri is not nearly as powerful. And that in many cases means I have to go to DaVinci instead of being able to finish within Creative Cloud.

I am also interested in the Essential Graphics Panel, which brings both direct graphics creation on the timelines as well as changes to templates made in After Effects.

I am also interested in seeing Camera Shake DeBlur and seeing how it does with Warp Stabilized Footage.

The new Multi-Channel tools in Audition are also intriguing, though I would be happier having them in Premiere (especially if I could automatically move multiracks to multiple tracks instead of a single track), as while I do finish some jobs using Audition and it’s Essential Sound Panel, but mostly I go to a mixer using ProTools.

And having Pond 5 in the Adobe Stock panel is a great addition.

Overall I always look forward to playing with the new features, and am glad they come out as often as they do.